The triumph of this singing phenomenon was more than predicted - from the first days of competition Conchita was discussed more than any other participants combined. Bookmakers immediately included a "bearded woman" in the list of favorites. While participating countries of "Eurovision" were giving top points to Austria, Wurst was incessantly crying and stopped caring about her makeup.
Conchita Wurst now is not only on all the headlines of newspapers and magazines around the world, but also is a star of the Internet.
In recent days, the the singer was attacked with numerous curses and abuse from around the world, and after the Conchita's defeat some even called Eurovision as "degeneration of Europe".

In case with Conchita, this image of "bearded lady" was not an accidental idea. She tried to deliver an important message about tolerance and respect to each other.
People consider such weirdos as a bad example for the growing young generation. But in fact, what can we do to protect them from what they watch on TV and read in magazines? We can explain them what is good and what is bad, but we simply cannot put our brains to their heads and make them think differently in case they liked the "other way".
People consider such weirdos as a bad example for the growing young generation. But in fact, what can we do to protect them from what they watch on TV and read in magazines? We can explain them what is good and what is bad, but we simply cannot put our brains to their heads and make them think differently in case they liked the "other way".
My only solution to the issue is to improve our own life, keep calm and be tolerant.
Very interesting. I like that "keep calm and be tolerant" end. Very good.